Capoeira Brasil Calgary Gallery

Follow us on social media or register today to take a class!

Rest in Power 🖤

Mestre Itabora was a pillar in the capoeira community and known around the world for his dedication to this art form. Along with his life long work to maintain and grow the integrity of this art form, he was known for being abundantly welcoming and kind.

One experience with Mestre Itabora that we can share was back when a few of us from Calgary went to visit Capoeira Brasil in Los Angeles for their 30th anniversary celebration and batizado. At the time, we were transitioning between groups, and had arrived with patched (all white) abadá. While we were introducing ourselves and getting settled to take part in the weekend event, among dozens of folks from all over the world at the academy, Mestre Itabora and one of his students called us aside to introduce themselves and welcome us to the event.

While everyone we encountered throughout that weekend was welcoming and kind, this moment really stands out to us. From our perspective, we were a few relatively unknown capoeiristas visiting from out of town with no patch or group affiliation, and here is one of the Mestres of Capoeira Brasil, taking this time to intentionally welcome and include us in the celebration.

This moment of connection was genuinely felt and it can be said that this was one of many reasons we are grateful to call Capoeira Brasil our home. Since then, we have enjoyed each opportunity with Mestre to take his classes, hear him sing, chit chat over coffee, hear a few of his stories during car rides between events, and otherwise enjoy the energy of his presence.

While our connection was all too short, we cherish and appreciate everything Mestre Itabora has done for us, and the capoeira community at large.

Rest in Power 🖤

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Welcoming 2025 🤸🏽‍♂️
Kids class and fundamentals class running simultaneously on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Learn the foundations of capoeira alongside your little ones!

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Capoeira Brasil Calgary Batizado 🇨🇦
Save the date: June 19-22 2025 📆

More info coming soon. For now, mark the date in your calendar!

#capoeirabrasilcalgary #capoeirabrasil

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Mestre Boneco Sequence 6 🤸🏽‍♂️
@simasbetosimas 🇧🇷

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Kids Capoeira Classes 🤸‍♀️🤸🏽‍♂️
Training the next generation 📈 💫

Coach Torinho showing how fun capoeira can be

#capoeira #capoeiraYYC #capoeiracalgary #capoeirabrasil #capoeirabrasilcanada #capoeirabrasilcalgary #cbyyc #YYC #403 #yycfit #acrobatics #gymnastics #martialArts #kicks #flips #flexibility #balance #capoeiraFlow #capoeiraArte #capoeiraVida #capoeira4all #tricking #CapoeiraPerformers #ginga #martialArtsCalgary #Bankview #bankviewyyc

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Capoeira workshop @ucalgary🤸🏽‍♂️🇨🇦
It is always a pleasure to share a little bit about this martial art form that we love so much with great students!

#capoeira #capoeiraYYC #capoeiracalgary #capoeirabrasil #capoeirabrasilcanada #capoeirabrasilcalgary #cbyyc #YYC #403 #yycfit #acrobatics #gymnastics #martialArts #kicks #flips #flexibility #balance #capoeiraFlow #capoeiraArte #capoeiraVida #capoeira4all #tricking #CapoeiraPerformers #ginga #martialArtsCalgary #Bankview #ucalgary #uofc

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Halloween Roda 🎃 👻🤸🏽‍♂️
first, becoming one of our favorite events of the year, the Halloween roda brings everyone out in full costume and lots of energy. It is a bit of candy involved as well.

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Workshop with Contramestre Instigado 🔥
Love getting to connect and train with our friend from Vancouver, Contramestre Instigado from Abalaê Capoeira who always brings the energy and Pernambuco style. Surprise frevo warmup was 🔥💃🏻🕺🏽☂️😜

Obrigado! @instigado_capoeira

#capoeira #capoeiraYYC #capoeiracalgary #capoeirabrasil #capoeirabrasilcanada #capoeirabrasilcalgary #cbyyc #YYC #403 #yycfit #acrobatics #gymnastics #martialArts #kicks #flips #flexibility #balance #capoeiraFlow #capoeiraArte #capoeiraVida #capoeira4all #tricking #CapoeiraPerformers #ginga #martialArtsCalgary #Bankview #bankviewyyc

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Capoeira Brasil Calgary is proud to introduce Professors Chino and Gigante 💜💜


Obrigado Mestre Boneco for your trust and support of our capoeira journey @simasbetosimas 🖤


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Workshop with Mestra Tigresa 🐯
We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to connect and learn from Mestra Tigresa during our event. Her knowledge in capoeira and music and the energy she brings is next level. Obrigado @mtigresasdc

#capoeira #capoeiraYYC #capoeiracalgary #capoeirabrasil #capoeirabrasilcanada #capoeirabrasilcalgary #cbyyc #YYC #403 #yycfit #acrobatics #gymnastics #martialArts #kicks #flips #flexibility #balance #capoeiraFlow #capoeiraArte #capoeiraVida #capoeira4all #tricking #CapoeiraPerformers #ginga #martialArtsCalgary #Bankview #bankviewyyc

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Workshops with Mestre Boneco always bring the energy 🔥
It was our privilege to host Mestre Boneco in Calgary for our Batizado this June. He brings a long history of experience and knowledge to share, and of course, an incredible amount of energy. Obrigado Mestre @simasbetosimas 🙏🏽

#capoeira #capoeiraYYC #capoeiracalgary #capoeirabrasil #capoeirabrasilcanada #capoeirabrasilcalgary #cbyyc #YYC #403 #yycfit #acrobatics #gymnastics #martialArts #kicks #flips #flexibility #balance #capoeiraFlow #capoeiraArte #capoeiraVida #capoeira4all #tricking #CapoeiraPerformers #ginga #martialArtsCalgary #Bankview #bankviewyyc @capoeirafilosofiadevida @capoeiraokulu @capoeiraenvida @capoeiratreina

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